July 6, 2015
If you file Indiana business taxes, chances are you’ve spent a lot of time using INtax.
INtax is Indiana’s online business tax reporting and
payment application. It’s a powerful tool. More than
303,000 businesses remit their taxes through INtax,
and the application collected more than $7 billion in
Indiana taxes in 2014.
In August, the application will get even more
A major technology upgrade will turn INtax into a faster, more concise tax-processing machine.
Some key new features you’ll notice will be:
•Clearer instructions, language, and alerts
•Faster-performing technology
•Consolidated screens (which mean less clicking!)
•A new INtax logo and interface
While the upgrade certainly will make your tax remittance and payment process easier and faster, don’t worry about too much change. You’ll still recognize the same overall INtax framework.
For those who need some extra help adjusting to the changes, there will be new tax practitioner guides for you and business guides to help your clients. Keep an eye out for these on the
INtax website in August.